Search Engine Ranking Factors Howell Brighton Michigan

Here are some SEO elements that are extremely significant to your online success in Howell Brighton Michigan:

Links and PageRank are one and the same. PageRank is the link analysis algorithm used by Google. This algorithm takes in consideration quantities of links from or to your website. Every link to or from your website (mainly from) is seen as a vote for that website. The more quality links you get, the higher you will see your PageRank.

You need to understand that not every link has the same weight. Links from respected websites have additional impacts than links from less prevalent websites.

Site Age
The older the website the more Google considers that website to be more respected than new websites. So don’t keep changing your website URL, pick one and stick with it.

It’s also imperative to have keyword distribution on your page. Google checks how frequently the search query can be discovered in your websites page. Making sure it appears in your domain, title, URL, content etc… Your website page will be measured as more pertinent.

Fresh Content
Regularly updating your website is critical for ranking higher. Add new unique pages that your competition not using or update older ones. Creating fresh content and pages give the indication that your website is not lifeless.

Other Influences
There are many other influences that can help your websites SEO, but these mentioned are just a few. You might want to also take a look at site speed, site structure, Goolge Webmaster tools, but the ones listed here are some of the most significant.

SEOmoz can really break down search engine ranking factors: SEO Ranking